Thursday, March 21, 2013

Springtime in New Hampshire

Fresh snow on the first day of spring. No Hellebores here.


  1. We're ahead of you. We're having an early mud season.

  2. Can't wait for mud season!! Someone said it was 80 degrees F here last year at this time.

  3. What a beautiful sight.
    We too have snow in North East of UK. Vaery pretty but a nuisance when you have things to do. We are not very good at managing in the snow; everything stops. Man plans, God laughs.

    1. Hi L. One thing we are very experienced and good at here in New Hampshire, is handling the snow. Hope all the snow melts soon and you are able to laugh too!

  4. Yep, looks the same here in Nashua. Last year at this time I was doing spring cleaning in the gardens. HOpefully the Helebores will rebound from being covered. The ones at the back of the house are all in bud

    1. Hi Deanne,
      I'm sure the hellebores are waiting.Mine are still covered by snow. I remember the warm weather last spring too. I loved all the great plants you have on your blog. Thanks for commenting. Think spring!!

  5. It has snowed here to in London UK, first time in spring For many years... I do hope it gets warmer soon, i am missing my garden.

    Driveways Essex

    1. You have had some unusual weather in London in the last few years! I was there last May. Our season was ahead and yours was behind. Some of the same plants were blooming in both places which was very odd. I hope we both get in our gardens soon!

  6. A white blanket, Michael, not a place for flowers. It's all a bit skewed this year. Here, despite the passing of the Equinox, we've had a tediously hot 34 degrees Celsius. I hope it all gets normal there for you, and for me here!

    1. Faisal,
      Sounds like you will have a hot summer if this keeps up! The snow has been melting here and it has been warmer this week, so I am optimistic I will see hellebores after all.

  7. Even though it's heavenly here most days lately, plants are behind from much of the last winter...but that's OK. Gives me some bareness to do clean-up, so I can really enjoy things greening up. When that snow melts, it's all good...true that all comes to a dead stop after snow, even in northern climes.

  8. Every day I am seeing more green. Snow drops are appearing from under the diminishing blanket. It is all good!

  9. How is the weather going there? Is there still a white blanket covering the ground?

    1. Nelson,
      The green is back! Even the hellebores. I need to do a post!!! Thanks for asking.
