Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Driving to Clinic in Northern Haiti

I thought these videos might make an interesting follow up to my previous Winter Walk-Off posts. I was in Northern Haiti in Cap Haitien and a small village called Bod Me Limbe last week delivering eye care with a group called  VOSH PA  (the Pennsylvania Chapter of the Volunteer Optometric Service to Humanity). This is a series of videos documenting the drive from our base at Haiti Village Health in Bod Me Limbe to a small village about 40 minutes away called Chateaux Neuf where we had a clinic in a local church. VOSH PA saw approximately 1000 patients last week in Haiti. This region of Haiti is absolutely breathtaking. Legend has it that Columbus thought Hispaniola, the island Haiti shares with the Dominican Republic, was the most beautiful of all the islands in the Caribbean. Enjoy the ride!


  1. Michael, a non-gardening, eye-related comment: you ought to see this here, an Australian who's done much to restore sight to the underprivileged:

    1. Thanks, Faisal. I wasn't familiar with their work. Their website is very informative. Thanks for rmaking that connection.

  2. Thank you for sharing! There are some clinic world-wide but we need to choose the reliable one. Some people are suffering of poor eye sight and they are looking for good doctor that provides good services.

    contact lens columbia sc
