Saturday, April 20, 2013

We are back.....

 Last week, the gardening season began for the Peterborough Parks volunteers. It is always satisfying to have the gardens cleaned up waiting for the first flush of spring.

 Wednesday morning, we worked on spring clean-up at the Pavilion Garden at Depot Park. Amy and Maude are taking all the dead foliage out of the borders.

 Maude was full of smiles getting back into the garden

Susannah, keeps the paths tidy each week. We couldn't do it without her!


  1. Send them over to my garden!

  2. Ahhhh, all ready for another glorious garden season! Looks like a cold day.

    We are enjoying a beautiful spring in DC. All the trees, except the sycamores, have their foliage. The sycamores are always a bit later.

    Happy spring!

    1. Hi Loi,
      It was chilly but warmed up. I envy your springs!! I am from suburban Philadelphia and the only season I miss there is spring. Enjoy!

  3. Wonderful stuff Michael - great to get back into gear with the new season. Autumn here's wonderful.

    1. I always think the spring clean up feels so promising. The weeds haven't had a chance to show up so all I am thinking of is the plants I planted. There are always surprises--new plants I forgot from last autumn. Have a great fall, Faisal.
