Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Peterborough Parks in Early July

Taking a Book in at Nubanusit Terrace

The Ruin Garden at Teixeira Park

The Pavilion Garden at Depot Park

The Entrance to Putnam Park

Putnam Park

Boccelli Garden


  1. Always a great pleasure to view the fruits of your labor!

  2. Some good-looking spaces here, Michael. Stone must be important to you, a nice counterpoint to the softness of the plantings.

  3. Thanks Paul. It is a labor of love.

    New Hampshire is the "Granite State" so using it seems inevitable. All the granite at Teixeira Park is recycled. It was removed from under a bridge in town about a dozen years ago and stone artist, Ron Higgins, used it to make the Ruin Garden. Thanks for your kind comment, Faisal.

  4. Things are looking good, Michael! I'm anxious for visitors to see the love that you and your staff have put into these gardens when they are open for the Garden Conservancy tour on August 7th!--Joe

  5. Michael, it must be very rewarding to know you've been able to make such important contributions to Peterborough's environment and to its people.

  6. Yes, Joe, we need to get things pulled together by then! We have a great crew of dedicated gardeners this year!

    James, Thanks. I am very lucky to have my community service be something that I love to do.

  7. The chairs you've used are simply perfect! Oh, what I wouldn't give for a few hours of New Hampshire weather at this time of year!

  8. Thanks, Tim. We designed them and had them custom made for the parks. They each have the seal of the town of Peterborough. And yes, good sleeping weather up here now!

  9. Good to see such well looked after public spaces!

  10. Such great structure and use of plants as structure!
    Thanks for this

  11. It is a pleasure to see your photos - always!


  12. William,
    We try to keep them looking good. Each one has it's own feeling to it with it's individual signature seating.

    Robert, I have a thing for structure, I suppose. It is especially important here because the winters are so long.

    Thanks, Sigrun! It it is nice to hear. I'm glad you like them.
