Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ghost: An Introduction

The driveway to Shobac

Messenger II, a house designed by MacKay-Lyons overlooking Shobac

A temporary tower at Shobac called Simeon built in 2004 during Ghost 6

The Barn at Shaboc built during Ghost 9

I have just returned from a week-long vacation with my wife in Nova Scotia near the town of Lunenburg about an hour from Halifax. We stayed at a cottage at Shobac, a farm on the site of historic ruins overlooking the LaHave Estuary owned by an architect named Brian MacKay-Lyons. Shobac has been location of a dozen two-week-long designing/building internships called Ghost. The mission is to "transfer architectural knowledge through experience" and have resulted in the construction of several temporary and semi-permanent buildings that use innovative and modern design that respects the history of the site. I found that the more I learned about Ghost the more I felt its philosophy could be used in garden making in New Hampshire.

These photographs at Shobac were taken on foggy morning and evoked a ghost-like spirit to me and seemed an appropriate as introduction to my experience. In the next several posts, I hope to describe the history of the site, how the buildings respect the local vernacular and how this experiment has inspired me in to be more thoughtful in making gardens.


  1. Wonderfully atmospheric views, Michael. I certainly look forward to hearing more about Shobac and 'Ghost' and how these nay lead into your thoughts on garden design.

  2. Thanks Faisal, I haven't gotten it 100% figured out yet...hopefully will pull something interesting off this week. It was a very inspiring vacation.
