Monday, April 11, 2011


The Upper Garden

The Hall With Balls

The Lower Garden

The snow is gone. The gardens are tidied up. Now it is time for the plants to do their thing!


  1. I'm finding myself enjoying this time of year more than in the past, watching and waiting to see the first plants emerging from the blank earth. I suppose I've reached a certain age, and this annual return gives me a sense of hope.

  2. James and Joe,
    Its like the calm before a big party, waiting for all the guests to arrive. And yes, Joe, we cleaned everything in anticipation!

  3. After a long winter spring has at last decided to join us. With the snow cover gone we once again find the plants that winter hid from our view. Raking, I found evidence of plants beginning to emerge from the soil. The next day those same tiny plants has tripled in size. We wait so long, now it is all happening so rapidly!
    Thank you for all your terrific garden blogs! We hope you will blog from England.

  4. James and Beth,
    It is exciting to see the plants emerge and come out of their dormancy. I am planning to post about my trip. Glad you like the blog; meanwhile I am enjoying yours: Thanks for commenting!

  5. When you have structure like that what could go wrong!

  6. Paul,
    That is a high compliment coming from you. Platt's garden in Cornish, NH and the Italian gardens (including your garden Villa Massei) I visited in 2000 certainly informed the garden's structure. Thank you very much for your kind comment.

    PS A lot can go wrong!

  7. Love the line of the upper garden and also the structural elements elsewhere. We r in shorts and heatwave here - all a bit odd. And if I were gloomy I would say we r having summer now!
    Looking forward to following your garden this year!

  8. Robert,
    I'm glad you liked the line of the upper garden. It took me years to finally refine it. It was chilly here today. More like the end of winter. Thanks for your encouraging comment.
