Wednesday, April 20, 2011

First Garden Work Day of 2011

Maude, Laura and Jeannie clean up The Ruin Garden

Molly finishing up her bed

Removing Russian Sage from the garden at Nubanusit Terrace

All done--waiting for the bulbs to do their thing

Today was the first volunteer work (is it play?!?) day in the Peterborough Parks this year. We focused on removing what is left of last year's perennials and ornamental grasses to make way for the bulbs. I was hoping to complete the job before the emerging bulbs had become so large that we would injure the flowers with our footsteps. It was chilly and damp but mission our was accomplished.


  1. Yes, great work being done.
    Takes fortitude to volunteer in the cold.
    We are in heatwave and I'm kinda wishing we weren't. It is just not right and so tough on wildlife.
    Love those Russian sage beds when they are in full flow!

  2. Robert,
    The Russian Sage beds are very simple but very effective. The white bulb show is nice too. Hope you don't get heat exhaustion! Good to hear from you!
