Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Garden the Last Day in September

My belief is that an autumn garden in New England should shine and be at its best when the weather and light is the most beautiful. Most gardens feel spent at this time of year. I want my garden to feel fresh and vibrant as the fall foliage season begins. I use annuals for both flower and foliage and late season perennials, most notably asters and grasses. What can say New England better than asters in autumn? Here's what the garden looked like this week. We had a light frost earlier this week which did little damage. I am hoping for another couple of weeks of this before a hard frost hits. I don't see temperatures below the upper 30s in the next two weeks...time will tell.


  1. Looks good Michael. I'll have to see it in person one day!

  2. Lots of colour. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Karen. It is all gone now on October 18th!
