Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Boccelli Garden in Black and White


  1. Una bella nevicata! Che spettacolo :) Qui non vuole arrivare!
    Un saluto :)

    1. The snow is beautiful. I feel lucky to live in a place with such dramatic changes of seasons.

  2. Happy new year, Michael. On a different note, do you have a copy of Henk Gerritsen's Essays on Gardening? I'm trying to locate a copy and having no luck. Advice?

    1. Happy New Year too, Pat. I do have Essays on Gardening. It is excellent. I have re-read and it referenced many times. I actually bring it along when I travel, it is small and easily packed. I checked with Amazon, they don't have it listed as far as I can tell. I did see it on Australian ebay. Maybe looking for it on ebay here would be the best bet. I'll keep an eye out for it. Have you ever visited Priona? I am dying to go to Holland and see all the Dutch gardens. Maybe in 2017?? Great to hear from you!

  3. One can't deny how lovely snow transforms a landscape, or how it creates such wonderful photo ops - if only it could do that and be gone within a day.
