Sunday, January 10, 2016

Black and White Except the Bark


  1. Looking great. The benefits of great winter structure.

    1. James, I removed several verticals last year: 2 arborvitae in the Upper Garden and 2 junipers in the Hall with Balls. I like it better now. The main structural elements are yew walls, granite walls and pillars, box balls and elegantly limbed up trees. I want to make them the best they can be to unify the garden. I added boxwoods to the Woodland garden, you can see them shots 13 and 14. I am trying a "balls are rolling downward" theme like in the Hall with Balls. I still haven't gotten my final arrangement. I concluded that adding a round in the Lower Garden, as played with last year was too busy. I like them rolling into the Woodland though.

  2. Michael, I like the spacious hall with balls. Not sure I can yet see the "balls rolling downward" but I do like the concept. They all look so immaculately manicured.

  3. Hi Michael! I was just curious about the yellow bark,are those from your Stewartias?

    1. Yes they are my (your) beloved stewartias! I was going to do a separate post on the negative space the trunks create in front of the yew hedges in winter in your honor. I should do that soon. Thanks for commenting, Giacomo.

    2. Hi Michael! Ah yes, you know it right, I love Stewartias..Oh a post in my honour, I feel so happy right now! Thanks for that, can't wait to see more St. bark! Ciao
