Saturday, December 26, 2015

You Saw It Here First

Last March, I received an email from Margaret Jankowsky, a project designer from James Corner Field Operations, requesting permission to use a photograph from my blog for a design book on the High Line they were creating. She said, "it would be part of a three-spread section that has images of each plant on the High Line." I was surprised and delighted to get the request. Coincidentally, I was in Manhattan at the time attending an optometry conference at the Javits Center which is a block away from the newly-completed north end of the High Line. I usually stay at a hotel called The Jane in the Greenwich Village which is near the South Entrance of the High Line at Gansevoort Street. This allows me to walk to my classes each morning using the High Line. I think I may have been on the High Line when I got the email.

The photograph they were interested in was in a post on an August 2, 2012 titled "Training the Eye on the High Line." It was a picture of Heuchera ‘Amethyst Mist’ with a grass in the Philip A. and Lisa Maria Falcone Flyover.

Early in December, I received my complimentary copy of The High Line by James Corner Field Operations and Diller Scofidio + Renfro. Sure enough, my credited photograph is on page 269. It was a thrill to be involved, in a very small way, in this book celebrating a public garden that I have studied and admired since I first heard of its existence. I am a big fan of Oudolf and this innovative public space. I has informed design decisions in the public parks in Peterborough, New Hampshire. Later today, I will be visiting New York with my family. I'll post photos of my day there soon.


  1. Congrats, Michael. That's a book I've been intending to get.

  2. James, I think you will like the book very much. I got a kick out of being part of it.

  3. What a tribute to your photography and your observational skills. Congratulations, Michael.

    1. Pat, I think I have better observational skills than photography skills, but thank you.
