Saturday, October 10, 2015

Putnam Park Path Project IV

The new pathway project at Putnam Park has been nearly completed. The lawns have been hydroseeded and the gardens have been planted.

The Desire Path through the Entrance Garden has already been used and has accomplished its goal of keeping the garden from being trampled by visitors trying to take a short cut. This garden was designed and planted by volunteers. The plant list included salvias, asters, ornamental grasses, hellebores and many other plants. Hopefully it will have a long season of interest. In the next two weeks, bulbs will be planted.

 The new woodland garden was planted with a wide variety of plants chosen for a long season of interest and textural qualities.

 This is the woodland garden from the opposite end of the park. The foliage of Hydrangea quercifolia can be seen to the far right.

The triangular bed containing a large oak tree at the convergence of two paths was planted with Epimedium pinnatum ssp. colchicum from divisions from my garden. This vigorous groundcover has  glossy dark green foliage throughout the season and is extremely drought tolerant. It has bright yellow flowers in April just as the new foliage emerges. The circular bed was planted with Deschampsia cespitosa ‘Goldgehänge’, Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Fat Domino’ and Cirsium rivulare ‘Atropurpureum’.

The existing mixed border along the path looks full and lush this time of year. I am looking forward to the day when the new gardens have filled in and matured.


  1. What tree is that in the woodland garden background with the magnificent rosy color?

    Good move with the 'desire path'! Even in my own garden, I've found it necessary to formalize a shortcut path here and there.

    1. That tree is our New Hampshire native sugar maple, Acer saccharum. They are know for fall foliage and maple syrup. We are just beginning the climax of the foliage season this week.

    2. Ah, just a young one, then. I thought it might be another kind that stayed smaller at maturity. What a color. The sugar maple down front is just a bright yellow -- but a lot of it, since the tree's close to 100 years old. Peak foliage color usually third week of October for us, but may be later this year.

  2. There is a spectacular sugar maple across the the street from my house that is luminescent for about 24 hours each year. I have been watching every day for that particular tree to peak. The light this time of year can be magical.
