Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Putnam Park Path Project I

This summer we will be renovating the path at Putnam Park and creating a new entrance garden.

The original entrance to the park had a hedge of invasive burning bush that we replaced with native Forthergilla x intermedia 'Mount Airy'. The hedge felt too rigid and will be replanted in another location in the park making room for a more open entrance garden.

The new garden is being excavated

The new edge of the garden is painted....

....and filled with loam.

A granite planter in a round garden in the middle of the path....

....was removed because it required too much maintenance. It will be used at our recycling center where the staff has created a marvelous garden using recycled plants from gardeners in town.

The hoop fencing will be returned to its original location when the path is completed but the boxwoods will be donated to the recycling center.

The main reason the path is being replaced with a pervious pavement sidewalk is because it is experiencing erosion during heavy rainstorms.

The new path is marked with spray paint.

A scrubby woodland edge was removed and several large pine trees were taken down

The area was excavated and refilled with loam. Some of the fothergillas from the entrance garden will be moved to create a woodland garden.

A granite table, which has Adirondack chairs for seating, was moved...

.....to under the shade of a beech tree where visitors prefer to sit.

The entrance garden will include many of the same plants as this existing garden, which was planted in 2010. The edges of the new path can be seen in this photograph.  


  1. Hi ... I'm looking forward to seeing the changes at Putnam Park. I noticed that the crab apple tree next to the river wall was removed :-( . Very sorry to see it go. Change is hard for me! I do have some pictures of it when it was in bloom! Beautiful. My thanks to the Parks Committee for all you do.
    Maryellyn Carrigan

    1. I am sorry about the crab apple tree. It did have some beautiful moments. Hopefully all the new improvements will make up for it! Thanks for commenting, Maryelllyn.
