Monday, October 27, 2014

Stewartias in Full Blaze

Two Stewartia pseudocamellia trees with bright orange foliage in the morning light in the Lower Garden. I planted these trees from seed I collected at the Arnold Arboretum in 1996. I collected both seeds from the same parent plant hoping to get similar progeny. I failed to realize that all the stewartias species are planted together and there could be any number of genetic crosses in the seed I collected. My trees have slightly different bark and stature but similar autumn foliage. Last year's fall color was disappointing. This year was hit.


  1. Dear Michael,
    Thank you very much for your nice words on Likedin. I am already working as a landscape Architect for 4 months now, I cannot believe time is just flying.
    The Stewartia pseudocamelia is one of my favourite trees, I have planted a small one in my graden in Italy..but I guess it will never such a nice fall colour due to the mild temperature we normally have through the fall...I hope one day I will be able to visit your garden, soon or later I am sure it will happen! All the best Giacomo

    1. Giamco,
      Great to hear from you. Congratulations on your new job.My stewartias have variable color and I'm sure the temperature is a factor. It would be wonderful if you were able to visit my garden one day!
