Friday, August 15, 2014

Monadnock Region Open Day August 23

Saturday, August 23, my garden will be one of the six gardens open to the public 10 am to 4pm for the Monadnock Region Garden Conservancy Open Days. Joe Valentine and Paula Hunter's garden, Juniper Hill Farm, will also be featuring a plant sale by Broken Arrow Nursery.  I am pleased to announce that my garden will host have a plant sale of unusual annuals and perennials by fellow blogger, Helen O'Donnell of Anemone Times. Helen has a new nursery at The Bunker Farm in Dummerston, Vermont which I posted about earlier this summer. She will be bringing a trick load of choice plants for sale.

There will also be a lecture and book signing by garden writer Tovah Martin at 7 pm at Bass Hall at the Monadnock Center for History and Culture, 19 Grove Street, Peterborough - "Trowels & Tomorrow: Garden Stewardship." Admission: $5.


  1. You must be very busy right now! I remember the days and weeks before opening my garden.
    Enjoy the day Michael, I´d like to join!


    1. It is a little crazy because the public gardens are also included in the tour and need them to be looking their best as well. All the volunteers worked this morning, the town will have the grass cut Thursday, and the weather is looking cooperative. Can't ask for more than that. Wish you could see it, Kjeld!
