Monday, July 7, 2014

Indian Pink in the Woodland Garden

Spigelia marilandica aka Indian Pink is a woodland plant native to south-central United States. I had never heard of it until several years ago when a gardening friend introduced this eye-catching perennial to me in her Dublin, NH garden. I must have been lusting after it because she promptly dropped off several divisions in my driveway the next week. Some of the literature states that Spigelia marilandica resents being moved but these plants survived and prospered in my woodland garden in a protected spot which has an hour of sun around mid-day.

The tubular flowers, which attract hummingbirds, are a very bright red color on the with a dramatically contrasting yellow center. This color threw me off as a woodland plant, at first, but I quickly become accustomed to being able to spot this plant from a great distance across the garden.

Pass-along plants, like Spigelia marilandica, are aways a satisfying reminder of a friend's garden and their generosity.


  1. Michael,

    Coincidentally, I was just reading about this plant in Rick Darke's and Doug Tallamy's new book last night. I decided to add it to my garden, so your post must be a message from the airy spheres telling me the decision is a right one.

  2. James, Coincidentally, I have been hearing about the “The Living Landscape” from many places. This must be another message from the airy spheres telling me to read the book!
