Thursday, June 12, 2014

Boccelli Garden: the Continuation of a Public/Private Partnership Project III

The shrubs arrived yesterday. Yours truly moving a clethra shrub from the truck to the garden. The shrubs, landscaping, terrace and tree pruning were a private donation. The town paid for the new fence.

The Public Works Department provided much of the labor to plant the shrubs and water them. Volunteers have designed and will maintain the gardens. Here Lenny and Mike from the town, unload a yew shrub for the project.

The majority of the shrubs have been planted.

Four Taxus media 'Hicksii' will create a wall perpendicular to the retaining wall behind The Boccelli Garden.

Shrubs below the retaining wall. The herbaceous layer will be planted in the next two weeks.

A view from the terrace to the new building across the Nubanusit River.

The newly pruned apple tree in the park

Boccelli Garden as seen from the new terrace

The first two photographs are courtesy of Shelley Osborne


  1. Michael, I find it amazing that you can negotiate all such major changes, involving rather heavy construction, with government. Someday you should write about how you establish the relationships and support networks that make this kind of public-private effort work. It could be a model for others in other towns and cities across the country.

    1. I have been very fortunate, James, to have some willing and dedicated partners. Most notably, Pam Brenner, our Town Administrator, who has been a steadfast advocate for beautifying public spaces. The governing body of our town, the Select Board has been very supportive as well. The Public Works team has taken pride in all the do in the parks and of course the expert volunteer gardeners make the high level of horticulture we attempt possible.

      The model for all this, as you already know, is the work of public garden designer, Lynden B. Miller. Her book Parks, Plants, and People: Beautifying the Urban Landscape would be an excellent place for town sand cities to start. You have put the bug in my ear to do a "how we did it here in Peterborough" post in the future. Thanks!

  2. The terrace is gorgeous! Already a fantastic garden, but this addition takes it to a new level. Congrats!

    1. Thanks, Thomas. I am pleased with how it turned out. I will be posting again soon: the grass has come in and the perennials have been planted.
