Thursday, May 29, 2014

Boccelli Garden: the Continuation of a Public/Private Partnership Project I

While I was in England, work was done to Putnam Park II  and the Boccelli Garden. The town has collaborated with a private donor to enhance the park. A new retaining wall has been added to the park to create a level space for a terrace next to the Boccelli Garden.

The apple tree that Michael Boccelli planted probably 70 years ago has been limbed up and shaped. Along the river, a new iron fence replaced an unsightly chain-link fence.

A new bluestone terrace has been added adjacent to the Boccelli Garden.

Soon work will be done to re-grade the park and planting will be added to the park on the opposite side of the new terrace.


  1. I would love to see a 'before' photo of the beautifully pruned apple tree. Limbing up a tree and cutting out the extraneous branches can create a lovely silhouette. It has here.

  2. Hi Pat. You can see some before pictures of the apple tree in my November 14 post last autumn about the project. The aborist, Dan Tremblay, also did work in my garden which you can see in my May 1, 2012 post about his work in my woodland garden. He is an artist.
