Thursday, April 17, 2014

More of Yesterday's Dusting at 14 High Street


  1. Great way to see the garden, with just that light dusting of snow. I see why you are very deliberative about making changes. Hard to mess with what seems perfection.

  2. I agree James. A light snow this time of year, after the garden has been cleaned up a bit, gives a lot of information about the structure in the garden. I know it will never be perfect but I am gradually working toward the sublime (I hope).

  3. It lasted a very short time, but it was magical. Thanks, L.

  4. It's perfect for seeing the inner strengths and potential. I can smell that snow, too...

  5. They say taking black and white photos helps to see what is really happening in the garden, David. A dusting of snow does essentially the same thing.
