Saturday, March 1, 2014

Fences and Foliage

I just returned from a week in Key West. There is a lot to learn about small gardens close to the street. The gardens, like the island, celebrate diversity. Almost every front yard had a picket fence, whether the house was a mansion or a modest cottage. Almost always the gardens were a respite from the sun and heat and felt like much-needed shady jungle. There was a wide range of plants used; many were huge specimens of plants that I use as annuals on my patio. If I built a garden there, it would include two ingredients: a picket fence and spectacular foliage.


  1. Lovely. Although I live in north east UK, I am going to put my house plants outside in their pots when/if it gets warmer this year to give me a more jungle y feel on my patio.

    1. It reminds me that the best gardens make the most of where there are in the world.

  2. Beautiful and hopeful for this time of year!

    1. I was especially lucky to go at that time this winter!

  3. Michael, it's a lovely style isn't it? It's like parts of Queensland, Brisbane AUS. :D

    1. Yes, it was really a pleasant change from winter in New Hampshire.

  4. Beautiful photos, is looks so exotic, and green. I would love my garden to be the same.
    Have a wonderful Sunday.
    Anna and Vibeke

  5. I would like my garden to be the same also, Anna. Glad you liked our visit to Key West.

  6. I found travelling in south Florida very distracting. At every turn there was another plant only seen under glass up here, out in the world able reaching its full potential. After a day or two I started picking up real estate samplers.
