Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Box, Granite and Frost


  1. Thanks, I have been getting of practice over the years.

  2. I very much like the placement of the boxwood, particularly as shown in the 2nd photo. The frost is frosting on the cake.

    1. I tried to get a pleasing arrangement, Pat. I am thinking of removing several of the box along the yew hedge. Things will get crowded in time and I will use them in other parts of the garden.

  3. Hello, I discovered your garden and I find it very beautiful in the frost

    1. Hi Anny. I got a look at your blog; it is very nice. Thanks for commenting.

  4. Box, Granite and Frost and Bare Bones, Michael! I never get to see my garden like this - it gives a remarkable idea of structure.

    1. Faisal, you need structure in New Hampshire. There is a long season without foliage or flower. This morning was just a pretty as mid-summer to my eye. I never thought of that as an advantage before.

  5. I like how some of these are formally placed, while others seemed to have just rolled in to the garden.

    1. Les,
      I was thinking of moving some of the boxwoods and scatter them in the garden and lawn of the lower garden. Instead of 'Fallingwater', it would be 'Rollingballs'. It would make the lower garden less formal and more whimsical.

  6. J'aime aussi, lorsque l'hiver s'installe, retrouver le jardin dénudé qui nous présente son architecture et nous emporte vers des rêves de travaux futurs qui lui redonneront, la luxuriance des volumes parfumés et colorés sous les chants d'oiseaux. Ainsi va le cycle de la vie.
    Joyeux Noël à vous et à tous vos lecteurs et belle fêtes de fin d'année.


  7. Ich finde deinen Garten wunderschön...sehr geschackvoll!
    Er hat viele Elemente, die ich mir auch gerne so anlegen würde....Am meisten bin ich von deinem Buchs begeistert....Viele Grüße Erwin

    1. Thank you, Erwin. I was fortunate to have a granite retaining wall and a slope as a starting point. I have been slowly adding granite steps and accents. The box balls have begun to make a presence which has been really lovely in the frost and light snow.

  8. Hi Michael
    To day I´ve had a travel round your garden, by looking at several posts on your blog. It´s a pleasure to se the progress in your garden and specially when one have your gardenpictures from the past in mind, it´s a selebration to se your photos at your last post. I´ve been reading the post on James blog "Federal Twist", and your journey to N.Y. at Gilles Clements lesson caught me to resd more about this interesting landscaper. Thanks!

    A big wish and a good garden-new-year to all.


    1. Hi Kjeld,
      So nice to hear from you! I have a post of my own regarding our Gilles Clement trip. You are nudging me along to write it!
      Thanks for your kind words. I am a big fan of your work so it especially gratifying to receive your comment.

  9. Thanks for a lovely post and a good garden-new-year to you.

    greetings from
    Kjeld slot
