Friday, August 2, 2013

Views of Peterborough Parks From Your Automobile

 The Toadstool Beds

 Nubanusit Terrace

 Putnam Park Entrance

 Putnam Park II

 The Pavilion Entrance to Depot Park

 Peter's Gate Planter

The Boccelli Garden


  1. Just wonderful!! It all looks so tidy and neatly trimmed. Michael, what is that gorgeous foliage in your blog header photo? Is it Ivy?

    1. The header plant is Epimedium grandiflorum var. higoense 'Bandit' . I got a pice of this from a gardening friend. Every year, I divide it and I have a small stand of it which I have placed in a prominent location in the woodland garden. We do all the trimming of the boxwood and yew in July, Loi. It really pulls the gardens together when the job is finished.

    2. Wow, that Epimedium is lovely! Have not seen that variety. I used to grow a yellow blooming one in the shade garden at our former house.

  2. Michael, I don't have an automobile, so taken I'd ever get across to America, I will have to walk though Peterborough.
    I take it you are somewhat responsible for the beauteous surroundings?
    I take it, too, they are Adirondack chairs, sited so generously in Putnam Park II. My godmother - a fastidious gardener if ever there was one - had these in her Melbourne garden when I was a boy. So huge, to sit in, for a child. And not altogether comforting without a cushion!
    Happy summertime!

    1. Yes, most of the this is my design. A walking tour of the public parks would be much more pleasant, Faisal, but when I took these photographs, I realized everything could be seen from the road. I deliberately created a protected spot at Nubanisit Terrace with the boxwood and yew box planting to keep the view of the Nubanusit River away from the road.

      I try to make the Boccelli Garden interesting from both the street and close up. The bold foliage of the stooled catalpa tree, purple smoke bush and the tall miscanthus read well from the car at 20 mph, but there are also subtle things to enjoy on closer inspection.

      The Adirondack chairs were designed by me for the parks and have the seal of the town on the back. I'm pleased that they bring back memories of your grandmother. They are well-used and loved here in Peterborough and I suspect other people feel the same way about our Adirondack chairs. I have been enjoying this summer very much--I keep forgetting you are having winter now!

  3. I think this is great! I really enjoy reading about how all these flowers have blessed your area and made them into a showpiece. Its amazing at how simple things like wildflowers, chairs and other pieces can make or break your area.

  4. Thanks for your kind comments, Amy. I'd like to think we have made a difference here.

  5. I can imagine what conversations must take place seated in those chairs around that boulder.

    1. People usually seem very content on the Adirondack chairs, Les. Not sure what they talk about??
