Monday, March 4, 2013

Vieques Winter Walk-Off 2013

Les, at A Tidewater Garden, has a yearly competition called the Winter Walk-Off. The idea is, "on your own two feet, leave the house and share what can be seen within walking (or biking) distance of your home." I was on vacation last week on the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico. I will follow up with my daily walk from my house to my office in Peterborough, NH. We will start at the house we rented.

The view of the ocean from across the street of our rental.

Further along the road.

It is not uncommon to find foundations of abandoned homes

Casa La Lanchita Guest House

Another abandoned home

This is an inviting peek into a small beach....


A nearby street

 Vieques has many feral horses, which roam free over parts of the island. They are descendants of stock originally brought to the island by European colonizers. This one has been tamed for riding.

We happened to come upon a "Parade to End Violence" on the Island in the downtown section of Isabel Segunda, the largest town of Vieques, named after Queen Isabel II of Spain.


I loved the huge tree near the town center

This small and elegant villa has a central view through the house to the ocean

The fish market in town

This plant appears to be in the milkweed family

A banana tree between two houses

The humongous leaves of the Breadfruit tree, Artocarpus altilis

The last hill to the house

Finally, Home


  1. Thank you so much for the exotic locale of your Walk-Off, and lucky you for getting to go to Vieques. I love the bougainvillea-draped guest house, well actually I like the bougainvillea more than the house. It is one of those plants that gives me zone envy.

  2. My pleasure, Les. The next Walk-Off in Peterborough won't be so exotic, I'm afraid.

  3. Sounds a great idea. My neighbourhood is quite interesting but certainly not as colourful!

    1. L,
      Take a look at Les' blog for connections to other Walk-Offs. My neighborhood has only one color right now--white!
