Sunday, October 7, 2012

More pre-frost Combos

 Amicia zygomeris ‘John’s Big Splash’ contrasting with the red foliage of Hibiscus acetosella 'Maple Sugar' in the Upper Garden

Hibiscus acetosella 'Maple Sugar' again, this time contrasting with the colorful vine, Mina lobata 'Jungle Queen Yellow'

Arundo donax 'Gold Variegated' , Nicotiana knightiana,  Aster 'Little Carlow' backed by Gleditsia triacanthos 'Ruby Lace' and Buddleia alternifolia 'Argentea'

Cuphea laevis and Cotinus 'Grace' in the Lower Garden

A close-up view of the subtle charms of Cuphea laevis


  1. I'm spying something that looks ready for a less brutal exposure here - Cuphea laevis! Enjoy your pre-frost and pre-Indian Summer days while they last. But it's all good, I guess?

    1. I am a big fan of all the cupheas. They look great for all a long time. Our first frost should be this weekend and it is all good!

  2. Wonderful foliage combinations, Michael. I love the dark burgundy color of Hibiscus acetosella....very dramatic....and great texture, too. It's getting quite chilly in DC....I fear the season is coming to an end.

    1. Loi, I find the color and texture of Hibiscus acetosella 'Maple Sugar' very useful with both pastels and hot-colored combinations. It will be over before we know it. Time to plant the bulbs!

  3. Very pretty combo...looks so healthy

  4. Very nice combinations. Cuphea is lovely. When do you expect the 1st frost? We haven't had anything below 45 yet. It's hard to tell what is coming. The weather has been freakishly warm & dry. We have gone 80+ days without significant rainfall.

    1. I like that cuphea too, Jordan. We had our first frost Friday night. It is kind of liberating this time of year, I think. Hope you get some rain soon. We have been fortunate that way this autumn.

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    1. Glad you like the blog, Kenzie. I'll bet it is lovely in VA right now. Thanks fro commenting. I really appreciate it.

  6. Nice combos, I hope the frost can wait a little longer.

    1. Les, as I mentioned to Jordan, we had our first frost Friday night. Now I can clean up a bit and plant the bulbs before it snows-- which didn't happen last year!

  7. Michael I love your luxuriant, third photo, everything so grown huge. Your frosts, they can be killers, I take it? It must make achieving these sorts of results even more worthwhile.
