Friday, September 21, 2012

Peterborough Parks in Mid-September

Volunteers Amy and Laura displaying Teamwork

The Pavilion Garden at Depot Park

The yellow foliage of Arundo donax 'Gold Variegated' reads well against the yew hedge

Salvia 'Indigo Spires', Solanum quitoense and Nicotiana langdorfii

Cupea 'David Verity' at the Pavilion Garden at Depot Park

 Boccelli Garden

 The Developing Rain Garden at Putnam Park

The Planter at Putnam Park planted with Tagetes 'Cinnabar', grown from seed I got at Great Dixter

September is probably my favorite month in the garden. I tend to favor plants that get blowsy and look voluptuous at the end of summer. The tender annuals always look their best in New Hampshire at this time of year. This moment in the garden needs to be cherished for an early frost could make it suddenly vanish.


  1. Gorgeous through all seasons, Michael!

  2. Thanks, Joe. We try. Glad to hear you think we have succeeded.

  3. I think it could be argued that Sept. is the fullest month.

  4. Les, I think that argument is winnable.
