Monday, August 20, 2012

Backlit Post

As I was walking home from work this evening, I got a glimpse of the granite post in the Woodland Garden. We have had plenty of rain in the last few weeks, and the weeding and boxwood trimming are done. It was time to take it all in for a moment. 


  1. Perfectly framed! Beautiful view. What is the origin of the carved granite post? I visited a friend in CT on Friday, and she mentioned severe cases of box blight. Are you aware of that, Michael? I need to do some research.

    1. It was more Mother Nature than me, Loi. The granite post was an extra piece from a sign project at the entrance to Peterborough. I actually chose to put the post in upside down because I like the way the granite flared. I have heard about box blight and I am hoping it doesn't travel to NH. I am going to CT this weekend. Have you ever been to Hollister House in Washington? It is a wonderful garden that is open to the public through the Garden Conservancy. I think you would like it very much if you haven't already seen it.

  2. I'm glad you like it, Martin. Thanks for commenting.

  3. That is an impressive moment - there is a need for more balance in creating a garden with enjoying it. What great lighting. Not to mention how healthy but nicely formed all the plants are framing the scene. I;m glad you've had good moisture; I even take in such moments with our lack of rain, continued warmth, etc.

    1. Thanks, Dave. Autumn is the season where I tend to sit back in the garden. Our temperatures are very pleasant and the most of the summer chores are done and clean-up is months away.

  4. Beautiful light captured in your garden.

    1. I was lucky to catch it, Beth and James. Thanks.

  5. Fine taking, this granite post fantastically is looking. I am greeting

    1. Thanks very much. I appreciate your comment.

  6. A reminder of the stillness to be met with in gardens, Michael, which is surely why, in our rapidly-moving days, they are as beneficial as ever.
