Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Best of English Gardens 2012

I am pleased to report that I  will be assisting my good friend, Mick Induni, on a tour of English gardens from May 15-24. I am delighted to return to Britain to visit some of my favorite gardens including Great Dixter, Hidcote, Sissinghurst, Stourhead and Wilsey to name a few.We will also be attending the Chelsea Flower Show in London.

My role will be, as Mick puts it, a sort of “horticultural expert'' to compliment the exceptional British tour guides who will be leading the tours. My mission will be to give an American perspective on how to incorporate ideas from the English gardening tradition into the participants' own gardens back in the states. For a complete itinerary, see Mick's website at The Best of English Gardens.

Mick has a wide range of extraordinary tours on the other side of the pond. For more information, check out his website, Discover Europe.

The Glasshouse at Wisley



Great Dixter

The Chelsea Flower Show

Hidcote Manor

Kiftsgate Court


  1. I'm so jealous! I really want to visit some of those great English Gardens someday, they've all been so influential.

  2. Scott,
    Go, if you ever get the chance. It will be worth the effort. I feel very fortunate to have been asked to help with this tour!

  3. It's a wonderful thing to visit the gardens; it's even better when we learn how to adapt them to our climate and needs. Thanks for the armchair visit.

  4. I learn something new every time I visit these gardens. Often there is a problem I am trying to solve in the back of mind that gets solved observing gardens like these.

  5. We went to Stourhead and Hidcote last spring and to Chelsea! What a great time! Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Martha, I am really looking forward to it. We are also going to Barnsley House. It will be my first time.
