Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thanks for Another Great Season

The volunteer gardeners had their last work day a couple weeks ago and I wanted to thank them for all their efforts this gardening season. This was our 12th year working together in the parks of Peterborough.

Back row: Nancy O'Neill, Laura Trowbridge, Mollie Amies, yours truly and Terry Reeves. Front row: Maude Odgers, Molly Beyer, Jeannie Connolly and Bob Wilder, town employee. Missing from the picture: Susannah Parish, Amy Manny and Sarah Bay.


  1. I so admire all that you do there and am enormously impressed with the results—why can't the whole world see community as you all do?

  2. Thank you, Paul, for your very kind comments. I am very fortunate to do volunteer in a way I find so fulfilling and to work with such dedicated and delightful conspirators.

  3. Thanks to all of you for spreading beauty around our community!

  4. Looks like you run a happy ship, Michael!

  5. Thanks, Dave. I think it would be a great ship, even if I wasn't running it. I'm lucky to play in the dirt with such a fun group!
