Monday, September 5, 2011

The Garden in Early September

Setaria rubra and Coleus 'Compact Red' in the Indian Pot

The Lower Garden

The Upper Garden

No flowers on Salvia elegans 'Golden Delicious' behind the boxwood but its foliage is enough.
The late orange daylily is 'Late Embers'

The golden variegated privet contrasts well with Euphorbia cotinifolia in the foreground

The fruit of Magnolia sieboldii is about to turn red and looks like dangling earrings


  1. I don't know if it was intentional, but your garden has a very English look to it.

  2. Thanks Helen, glad you like it.

    Yes Les, I have been influenced by English gardens but also French, Dutch and American gardens as well. It is not intentional, it is what I have gravitated to over the years. I don't feel authentic having a Japanese or Chinese garden but use many plants native to China, Korea and Japan. Thanks for being so observant.

  3. Michael, I especially like the underplanting of the Magnolia sieboldii. What is the name of the Ligularia in flower in the third photo? My Othello and Desdemona are supposed to be that color, but they've become mostly green (probably mislabeled seedlings). Yours appear to have a rich purple-brown.

  4. Thanks James. My good friend, Susan, loves those combinations under the magnolia as well. That is the very easy to find Ligularia dentata 'Britt-Marie Crawford'. The foliage stays a nice purple the entire season. I planted it near the house, so when I water the flower boxes under the front windows, I can give it some extra water. Otherwise, it can pout under dry conditions. I loved it at the Boccelli Garden but removed it for that reason. Nothing new with ligularias. You have moist conditions which it will like.

  5. Hi Michael
    You are lucky to have a beautiful garden with lovely vital plants, even in september.


  6. Thanks for your kind comment, Kjeld. This is my favorite season in the garden. Everything is so lush and full.

  7. Michael,
    You have such a beautiful garden. What impressed me the most was the upper garden that appears to sweep the viewer away on a beautiful ride. Very nice.

  8. Thanks, Patrick. The lower garden is set up on axes and I tried to create curved bed lines in the upper garden. The crabapple tree along the fence was there when we bought the house 22 years ago and was my starting point for the edge of the garden.
