Sunday, August 21, 2011

NH Home

Photograph by John W. Hession for NH Home

Our garden is profiled in the September/October issue of NH Home.


  1. What a great article, it makes me want to come visit, and give you a pat on the back for what you do for Peterborough.

  2. Very impressive, Michael. I should love to have a wander about your garden (and indeed the Peterborough parks) - and nick some ideas! You should be very pleased with that article.


  3. Thanks, Les. If you ever come up North, stop in for a visit! I appreciate the pat on the back.

    Dave, it will be more difficult for you to visit the gardens to wander around. Hopefully, I will share some worthwhile ideas and in future posts. Thanks for commenting.

  4. Your garden looks lovely! Congratulations on such a nice article!

  5. Thanks, Helen. Come for a visit next time you are in the Monadnock Region.

  6. I hope you will not receive damage from Hurricane Irene if it passes your area. Take care of you. / Hans

  7. Thank you very much, Hans. Irene is supposed to travel right through southwestern New Hampshire. Hopefully it will lose power by the time it gets here.

  8. Great garden and I've also enjoyed looking at some of your other posts, a nice mix of gardens and wilder places.

  9. I'm glad you enjoyed the article and some of the older posts, Cally. Thanks for commenting.
