Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Keeping the Great in Dixter

One of the Cadre of Young Gardeners at Great Dixter

The Long Border which is the Model for the Planting at Boccelli Garden in Peterborough, NH

My Favorite Garden that Day: The High Garden

The Ever-changing Array of Potted Plants Flanking the Front Door

The Yew Gate to the Sunk Garden

The Peacock Garden

The Topiary Lawn

While the tower-room at Sissinghurst is frozen in time, things at nearby Great Dixter, the eclectic garden of the late Christopher Lloyd, are buzzing with vitality. In the last five years since Llloyd died, Fergus Garrett, the head gardener, has been maintaining and developing the gardens at Great Dixter at the highest level. Every corner you turn, there is a young and enthusiastic gardener tending to the plants. It is clear that the Great Dixter is continuing "to inspire and educate and provide opportunities for all people to experience intensive and experimental horticulture" as dictated by The Great Dixter Charitable Trust.


  1. What a treat...I would dearly love to visit there someday. Good to know that while the gardens are being lovingly maintained, they are continuing Lloyd's legacy of experimenting.

  2. Scott,
    I think Fergus is doing an exemplary job carrying on Lloyd's legacy. It has a great energy now. Good to hear from you.

  3. Thank you for sharing all of these monumental gardens that you are so fortunate to be visiting. How glorious!

  4. Yes, theses were monumental gardens! I just returned this minute. Nice to have your comment waiting. Thanks.
