Saturday, May 28, 2011

Back Home

The Lower Garden

Lilacs over the yew hedge in the Lower Garden

The Upper Garden

It may not be as nice as the tower view from Sissinghurst, but this is the view from the bedroom window this morning. There is a lot of work to be done but it is good to be home. I have come back with a lot of ideas and inspiration after The Best of English Gardens tour.


  1. Welcome home, Michael! You are fortunate to have your own little Sissinghurst tower to chronicle the change throughout the seasons in that beautiful garden of yours!


  2. Your garden's structure seems beautifully softened by its plants and their tones, Michael. Well worth coming home to!

  3. That is a pretty great view. Did you enjoy your trip to England? Mine has been pretty great so far.

  4. Lovely scenes from onhigh, you've made a thing of great beauty!

  5. Joe,
    Your garden looked great in your lat post. I have to get up there soon. Thanks for the kind comment.

    It is good to be back. Thanks, It has been many years but the structure is finally working.

    Hi Kaveh,
    My trip couldn't have been better. I enjoyed your post about Chelsea. Where are you going next?

    Hello Paul and thanks for the comment. I appreciate it very much.

  6. Your bedroom view is amazing and your garden is beautifully. I understand that its good to be home when you have a garden like this.
    Have a great day.

  7. I think it looks jealous of your upstairs view!

  8. Thanks for the nice comment, Hans. It is great to be home and back in the garden.

    Hi Scott,
    It is only in the last several years as the garden has matured that I have really enjoyed the view. Looking out is a great way to start each morning. Thanks, for your comment.

  9. I'm glad you made it home safely. Beautiful double borders. I would never want to leave them.


  10. Hi Michael!
    From one gardening Michael to another, I'm glad you enjoyed the lower borders. Absence makes the heart go fonder, right? Welcome to the blogosphere. I am looking forward to seeing your future blog posts.
