Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Best of English Gardens 2011

Great Dixter

Sissinghurst Castle Garden

Hidcote Manor Garden

Oudolf's Glasshouse Borders at Wisley

I am pleased to report that I will be assisting my good friend, Mick Induni, on a tour of English gardens from May 17-26. I helped Mick out in 2007 and am delighted to return to Britain to visit some of my favorite gardens including Great Dixter, Hidcote, Sissinghurst, Stourhead and Wilsey to name a few. My role will be, as Mick puts it, a sort of “horticultural expert'' to compliment the exceptional British tour guides who will be leading the tours. For a complete itinerary, see Mick's website at The Best of English Gardens.

We will also be in London for the Chelsea Flower Show. With exhibits designed by cutting-edge gardeners like Cleve West and Luciano Giubbilei, Chelsea will be a nice contrast to the historic gardens we will be visiting. You can follow their exhibit construction and design process on the Chelsea Flower Show Blog.

Mick's has a wide range of extraordinary tours on the other side of the pond. For more information, check out his website, Discover Europe.


  1. You're certainly visiting some of Britain's best and the weather should be wonderful. For more information on some of those you're visiting, check out my garden directory:
    And it'll give you a taster! All best and enjoy. Charlotte

  2. Thanks Charlotte, I have already been looking at your directory. It is excellent. I am very excited to see these gardens again!

  3. I wish I could go with you. I'd love to see Great Dixter. I saw Sissinghurst & Wisley in 2009. I was really wowed. I visited Stourhead with my parents back in 1973 & remember it still. It was covered in the landscape design textbook I had in design school. I didn't realize it was famous then. I just thought it was strange & fascinating. It was the 1st time I had seen Gunnera.

  4. Jordan,
    Maybe it's not too late??!! Great Dixter is amazing. I am really looking forward to seeing it again and what is new. Visiting all these great gardens, done so well, does raise the standard I expect of my own garden and the public ones I work on. The first impressions of gardens like these have been life changing experiences for me. Great to hear from you.

  5. Michael, sounds like a great gig! Maybe we will cross paths there! We will be garden hopping in England from the 7th thru the 20th and likely at Dixter and Sissinghurst on the 18th and 19th. Who knows? Cheers, Joe.

  6. Joe,
    We should compare schedules! Have a great time.

  7. You're going to have such a wonderful time. You're very welcome to come and visit Victoria's Backyard, but it sounds as if you won't have a minute.

  8. Victoria,
    Thanks for the invitation! We may have some down time while we are in London. I would love to visit your garden.

  9. Oh what a hardship this will be for you, it could be overwhelming. Perhaps you should bow out. I know we are not that close, but I would be willing to fill in for you, because I just a nice guy.

  10. Les,
    It will be a hardship but I will persevere. You really are a nice guy. Thanks!
