Friday, March 11, 2011

And It's Not Even Mud Season Yet!!

The Lower Garden

The Upper Garden

Even Oudolf would say the Calamagrostis brachytricha has got to go!

Having a gardening blog during March in New Hampshire is depressing. While everyone in Europe and most of the United States are showing off their hellebores, we are still waiting for the grey snow to melt. Next up is mud season. A New England phenomenon that occurs when the top layers of soil begin to melt while the lower levels are still frozen. It is NOT a pretty thing.

I am leaving for a week in Haiti for an eye mission. When I return I expect all the ice dams flooding the streets to be melted and the hellebores to be blooming.......well maybe not.


  1. Here in WV we have entered mud season full force. I live in the country and have shoes near every doorway where they have been kicked off.

  2. Nellie,
    Glad to hear I am not alone. Thanks for your comment.

  3. Interesting to hear about other people's gardening problems!
    Look at it this way: in winter gardeners dream and think of how wonderful their garden is going to be next year. You get to hang onto your dreams longer!

  4. Robert,
    That is a very positive way to look at it. I sometimes believe, because I am so obsessed with gardening, that having a shorter season is probably a good thing. Just found out I will be going to England in May for the week of the Chelsea Flower Show. Another gardening dream unfolding. Thanks for your comment!

  5. I am glad mud season is not one we enjoy here. Please have a safe trip to Haiti, you are good people to do what you do.

  6. Regarding your question about Narcissus, I am not familiar with the word perennialize. (I found this definition: To return year after year as a perennial.) All of the Narcissus in my post return year after year, most of them expanding by growing new bulbs. Perhaps this is different in New Hampshire. If you mean naturalize, only Narcissus minor has spread from seed.

  7. i love hearing about others garden problems and concerns, too.... gardening with snow - I'd love to try it sometime.

  8. Les,
    I returned safely from Haiti after a very productive eye mission. I understand it was quite warm while I was away. Looking forward to see if anything is coming out of the ground. Thanks for your comment.

    Thanks for following up on my question. I think I haven't been making some of my Narcissus happy for some reason. I will;l give some of your suggestions a try.

    Snow gardening has it plusses and minuses! Thanks for your comment.

  9. Hi, Michael, thank you so much for the link to my blog.
    I toured around New England, including NH, a few years ago and was told by some tourism person that spring was known as Serenity Season. I repeated this to the inn owners where I was staying in Concord, NH, and they couldn't stop laughing.
    I hope you have much better weather when you come over to the UK in May - are you going to go to the show?
    Best wishes, Victoria

  10. Hi Victoria,
    I have been enjoying your blog. I hope they didn't talk you into coming during "Serenity Season"!!! I will helping friend of mine with a "Best of the English Gardens" tour in May. We will be going to Chelsea, Great Dixter, Sissinghurst, Hidcote and more. I helped in 2007 and am looking forward to returning. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  11. J'aime bien ces longues pauses hivernales qui nous oobligent aussi à préparer le printemps et à accepter le cycle de la vie, où l'enropie des choses est naturelle.


  12. Roger, I agree the time off during the winter is a good time to appreciate the change of seasons in out gardens and in our lives.
