Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chanticleer's Asian Woods: Another Woodland Inspiration

Chanticleer's Asian Woods. Photo from "What's in Bloom" on their website.

The Asian Woods at Chanticleer, the magical pleasure garden in Wayne, PA, is another inspiration for the Wild Garden I am developing. The Asian Woods is the most collection-oriented garden at Chanticleer. The woodland has unusual plants native to Korea, Japan, and China in a setting that tries to emulate an American woodland garden. The winding paths with unique paving materials lead the visitor to special seating areas with distinctive benches that add to the atmosphere. Best of all, there is an comprehensive plant list on line that is an excellent resource for the dedicated plants-person.


  1. A wonderful part of one of my favorite gardens. I visited in high summer several years ago, but I would really like to see it spring as well.

  2. Beautiful, calm, cool atmosphere that photo. thanks

  3. beautiful. calm and enchanting place- the hydrangea is almost ethereal.

  4. That looks lovely. I'd like to see more photos of that garden. I think Hydrangea is a must for woodland gardens in light shade. My favorite is Hydrangea quercifolia.

  5. Hi Nellie,
    The bridge is lovely. The paths and seating area are very inviting as well. Thanks very much for your comment.

    I grew up in suburban Philadelphia and I used to visit my mother for Mother's Day each year. We always went to Chanticleer for a visit. You would love it in mid-May. I'll bet it looks great in February.

    Robert and Jordan,
    Happy you like that photograph which I can not take credit for. I found it on Chanticleer's website which I have now credited above. They have a "What's in Bloom" gallery which is excellent. I love Hydrandea quercifolia as well. It needs to be carefully sited here in NH. Thanks for your comments!

  6. Hi Ilona,
    That hydrangea gives us something to look forward to! Thanks for your comment.
