Saturday, December 11, 2010

New Focal Point Leading to the Wild Garden

New Granite Post at the Entrance of the Wild Garden as seen from the Lower Garden

View from the Street Through Both Arbors

Close-up View from the Lower Garden

I have been contemplating focal point leading to the lowest level in my garden, a garden in progress, that I call the Wild Garden. The two upper gardens are rather formally designed and have several perpendicular axes. The most prominent axis leads from the street down the granite steps in the Hall with Balls through an archway into the Lower Garden and through another archway leading into the Wild Garden.

My thought has always been that if I was going to create this axis there should be a focal point for the eye to follow and lead the visitor to the Wild Garden. I finally decided on a vertical granite post. John Kaufhold, the owner of Peterborough Marble and Granite Works, had the perfect piece of granite that had the height, width and texture I was looking for. This particular piece had a natural flare at one end that created some subtle visual interest. John and his crew did an excellent job installing the post last week before the ground froze. The next step will be to think of just the right plantings to soften the post and make the entrance to the Wild Garden more inviting.


  1. It's just beautiful! I personally like the starkness of the granite against the surroundings. Not sure that I would soften it at all.

  2. Thanks, Tim.
    I think what I meant is underplant it; bring it into the earth. It is on a very steep slope and I also want to have something, perhaps an evergreen, behind it to contrast it so it will be easier to see but also camouflage the steepness of the slope. In the summer, the deciduous foliage will already do that. Thanks for the vote of confidence.
