Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Garden Bones

View From the Lower Garden: Granite, Box and Yew

This Century-old Granite Wall was the Foundation for a Barn that once stood where the Lower Garden is Today.

Close up of the Granite Bench

Granite Steps to the Lower Garden with Box, Yew and Juniper

View of Mount Monadnock from the Lower Garden

Stewartia Bark Amplified by the Contrasting Background of the Yew Hedge

Acer griseum x 'Gingerbread with Box and Yew Hedges

Exfoliating Bark of Heptacodium miconioides

In mid-November the bones of the garden emerge once more. In my garden, I rely on boxwood balls and hedges, yew hedges, junipers, pines and spruces for the green structure. New Hampshire granite provides the framework for the walls, steps and benches. The interesting bark of the stewartias, heptacodium and the paperbark maple now stand out. Above all, the view of Mount Monadnock is the centerpiece of the late autumn garden.


  1. Dear Michael, And, what a stylish skeleton your 'bones' make. The repeating Boxwood balls give shape as well as rhythmn and the strength of the Yew and granite make perfect backdrops for the more ephemeral elements. The multiple and somewhat ghostly stems of the Stewartia look particularly lovely at this time of year, with the backing of the Yew hedge.

  2. Edith,
    Great to hear from you. I am particularly fond of that stewartia. I planted it from seed that I collected from the Arnold Arboretum in 1996. I'm looking forward to the bark becoming even more of a feature with time. Thanks for the comment.

  3. So agree it's vital to get the "bones" right. If you get that bit right you can afford to make the odd mistake with less permanent things!

  4. And what a view it is! It's all flat out here, you know. A hill or a mountain is whatever I can truck in during an afternoon. Love your bark!

  5. Kathy,
    Thanks for the comment. Not sure the bones are "right" yet but working on it.

    I feel very fortunate to have Mt. Monadnock in my backyard. It is reputed to be the second most frequently climbed mountain in the world and not a bad garden feature!
