Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October View From the Living Room

The Upper Garden

Malus 'Red Jade'

The Lower Garden: Two Stewartias with Peak Foliage

The Right Lower Border

Hydrangea quercifolia Beneath Acer griseum x 'Gingerbread'


  1. Wonderful views for fall - especially the quercifolia! One more fall I'm kicking myself for failing to add a crabapple to the mix...

  2. Makes me wish for a little bit of formality, but no where to put it.

  3. Cyndy,
    There is always something we can add to our gardens! Thanks for the comment.

    The wonderful thing about gardening friends is that you can live vicariously through their gardens. I can't do what you are doing (a 'New American' Garden) on my plot but I am sure having a lot of fun watching you develop yours!! It is extremely well done.

  4. I almost want to agree with James, almost. I have one thuja at the corner of a patio to anchor the "wild" garden, and that's as formal as I'll get for now. Lovely malus!

  5. Benjamin,
    Thanks for commenting. I think the age of the house and hill and the terracing it required leant itself to a certain amount of formality. Not sure what I would have done with a flat plot.

  6. Your autumn garden is a beautiful work of art

  7. Allan,
    Thanks for your kind comment!

  8. You seem to be a bit ahead of us with autumn - our colours aren't quite there yet, although one of my Acers in my Japanese garden is starting to look quite spectacular ...tiny, but spectacular!
    I love all the colour, height and textural variations in your garden :)

  9. Hi NG,
    Thanks for stopping by! I can see from your blogger page that you adore snow. Well before you know it, we will be having a lot of it here in New Hampshire. But for now, let's just enjoy the magnificent fall foliage.
