Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lee Link's Garden in Sharon, CT

Front Entrance to the House

Entrance Courtyard with Michael Trapp Pot

Lower Entrance with River Birch: An Idea Borrowed from Helen Dillon

The Greenhouse

Potting Area

Rear view of Greenhouse

Agave on Wall

View from the Pool

Michael Trapp was Here

Three Cornus kousa replace Mixed Border

About a 10 minute drive from Michael Trapp's shop is the Sharon, CT garden of Michael's good friend, Lee Link. Lee is a perennial host to the Garden Conservancy Open Days. I had last seen her garden about 8 or 10 years ago. It was and is meticulously maintained and beautifully designed. I think the greenhouse had been added since my last visit. It is full of exotic and unusual tender plants.

Lee's description of her garden in the Open Days Directory explains, "Three stone walls cascade down a hillside at the top of which is a greenhouse containing a wide spectrum of succulents and tropical plants. Within the last year, the former perennial border was replaced with a new hardscape and three kousa dogwoods highlighted by groundcover and spring bulbs. This is an effort to minimize upkeep. One level has a fish pond which reflects a winter conservatory attached to the house."


  1. Loving these two recent posts! What wonderful places, so unlike the Plains, refreshing....

  2. Benjamin,
    Glad you like the posts. There are so many different garden styles that suit different terrains. I don't thin k I could pull off a "new perennial" type garden here on my steep plot but I have been getting a vicarious thrill watching what you are doing with yours. Looking forward to your book arriving soon.
