Thursday, July 29, 2010

Boccelli Garden at the end of July

Hemerocallis 'Late Embers' not so late this year

Hydrangea 'Pink Diamond' steals the show and she is not even Pink

Gleditsia 'Ruby Lace' contrasts nicely with Catalpa bignoniodes 'Aurea'
Hemerocallis 'August Flame' in the foreground

Boccelli Garden as a Drive By

Considering the drought and the heat this summer, the Boccelli Garden is looking quite respectable this week. There is a rapid-fire explosion of daylilies this year. I tried to select cultivars that would distribute a splash of color throughout the garden and the season. 'Late Embers' is almost a month earlier. Perhaps this year it should be called 'Midsummer Embers' ? 'Sandra Elizabeth', a beautiful yellow cultivar that gardening friends passed along to me is not even in bud yet, so there still is something to look forward to.


  1. Dear Michael, The border is standing up well, as you say, with the approach of August. Succession planting is never quite as easy as one would imagine for so often key plants, such as the Hemerocallis, flower out of turn, either too early or on the late side. The problem arises when colours clash because of this which, in the original plan, was never intended.

  2. Edith,
    I agree succession planting is challenging. It is part art, part science and plenty of luck. Simetimes unexpected combinations are very exciting even if there is a little clashing going on. It is like having a provcateur at a dinner party. You never know what they will do next but it is never boring and makes for an exhilarating evening.

  3. Yes, a bit of Christopher Lloyd does no one any harm!
    You, our transatlantic cousins, do Hemerocallis so well. I must send you a photo of one of mine to identify. I thought it was lilio-asphodelus, but from the photos on the net I am not so sure. But the net could be wrong!
    Great blog, yours!
    best Wishes

  4. Robert,
    I agree, a little spice makes the soup better. I am certainly not a hemerocallis expert by any means even if I am on the other side of the pond. Thanks for your nice comment about the blog. Very appreciated coming for you.
