Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rosa 'Complicata' : Not Complicated at All

Rosa 'Complicata'

On the Fence in the Hall with Balls

Close up

Rosa 'Complicata' is a very simple shell pink rose I grow on the picket fence in front of our house. It is an old Gallica hybrid that gets a lot of comments when it blooms right about the time the school year ends at the elementary school across the street. This year has been a warm spring and it is blooming a couple weeks early. It is very hardy, care free and highly recommended.


  1. Dear Michael, Rosa 'Complicata' is indeed a lovely rose, not least on account of its relative simplicity and unfussy appearance. It looks wonderful where you have it growing and I am pleased to see that balance has been maintained by having it on both sides of the entrance gate. Have you considered teaming it up with a clematis? Possibly C. 'Perle d'Azur' which can be cut hard back in the early spring.

  2. Edith,
    Glad you are back! I have missed your blog the last few weeks. I have another rose called 'Seven Sisters' paird with Clematis 'Duchess of Albany' to a nice effect.'Betty Corning' smothers Rosa rubriflia every year but it looks so beautiful I cut it back for arrangements in the house. Oddly enough, I have a C.'Perle d'Azur'pouting in the garden. I'm going to move it this fall. Thanks for the tip!!!
