Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Patience is a virtue.
Possess it if you can.
Seldom found in a woman,
Never found in a man.

You can see what I'm waiting for on the slideshow of my garden on the sidebar.


  1. Michael:

    So very true - how else to explain why I had the urge during two weeks of unseasonably warm weather to remove the leaf litter from the bed that contains my smallest and rarest treasures! Luckily leaf litter was saved and is back in its place, just in time for snow!

    In regards to Rick Darke's contributions to 'The Wild Garden', he includes a bevy of colour photos to help relay the idea, as well as a 'reading guide' and history of the texts throughout the decades! His photos of Gravetye are especially fitting for this latest edition!

  2. Hi Michael - Thank you for your friendly comment on my blog! I love what you are doing in these public spaces, a true service to the community. You upper New Englanders do have to be patient whether you like it or not, for spring to come! I hope it hurries along so that you may soon see all your favorite colorful plant friends.

  3. PS Glad you found Daniel Mount's blog too! I have been fortunate to meet him and he is a real master gardener in the truest sense (and a heck of a nice guy).

  4. Karen,
    Thanks for checking out my blog. I really appreciate your feedback about the public spaces in Peterborough. The Chionodoxa are beginning to emerge. Spring can't be far behind! Looking forward to following your blog and seing what other people are doing in their public spaces.
