Sunday, March 28, 2010

And Now For a Little Color

It has been nearly a month since I have had a post with any color whatsoever. Well I guess that is the whole purpose of a spring flower show and the Boston Flower and Garden Show did not disappoint. I arrived early on the last day of the show with a friend before the crowds descended. The Boston Flower Show had been discontinued for a year and it has been reestablished as a new smaller show at the Seaport World Trade Center.

My favorite display was designed by (disclaimer: Karen Howard and Chris O'Brien, owners of Howard Garden Designs, are good friends) Howard Garden Designs/Weston Nurseries/Downing Landscape Construction. Karen and Chris have done many award winning displays at the Boston Flower Show over the last dozen years. This year, their collaboration was an excellent combination of well designed hard scape, water feature and spectacular plants. They chose a daring chartreuse/melon-rose/orange color palate. Even the furniture cushions and pillows were color coordinated! All the plants looked very fresh and healthy and not a bit wear weary on the last day of a five day long show. I especially appreciated how beautiful the garden looked from every angle.

It will be a good month before northern New England experiences the spring flush of color my childhood home of suburban Philadelphia now enjoys. The Boston Flower and Garden Show was the perfect antidote to the beginning of the mud season here in New Hampshire.


  1. I love garden shows, I could go to them all year long. I always get lots of ideas, even if I can't afford some of them.

  2. Deborah,
    I think visiting gardens in person is my favorite thing but garden shows are a close second. Thanks for your comment.
